The Emotional Intelligence Online Training and Coaching Bootcamp

A 4-week journey of transformation for people, just like you, who want to get control over their emotions, set healthy boundaries, and live their best life without all the conflict and stress.





Finally! All The Help You Need To Become More Self Aware and Manage Your Disruptive Emotions 

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be aware of your emotions, listen to what they are telling you, and then stay in control of your responses.

It all starts with Self Awareness!

So, are you finally ready to manage your disruptive emotions and take back control of your life once and for all?


This 6-week online training and coaching Bootcamp will equip and empower you to:


  recognise the emotion(s) you are going through and why

  accurately assess your strengths and growth opportunities

  remove self-doubt and limiting beliefs

  set healthy boundaries and enforce them

  be more assertive and speak your truth

  learn to say YES and NO appropriately

  and much, much more!


Man and woman arguing because they lack self awareness

Take back control of your emotions, remove your blind spots, develop your personal power, improve your emotional well-being, reduce conflict and stress, improve your relationships and more...all in a safe environment I've created for this amazing 6-week intensive program.

Caterina Romeo photo

Caterina Romeo

Grant is an amazing trainer and coach. Working through this program helped me push through some pretty hard things in my life. It changed the way I think about things, the way I see things, and how I react to things. I can't believe how much I have grown and how different I feel within myself. What an inspiring coach and human being!

Uwe Kruger photo

Uwe Kruger

Online courses can be dry but not Grant’s course. It was engaging and interesting. Grant not just taught Emotional Intelligence, he also helped me to grow on a personal and professional level."

It's Your Time!


The only way you can finally get control back in your life is by taking action. YOU can learn to manage your emotions, control your behaviour, speak your truth assertively, set healthy boundaries and finally be free of the limiting beliefs and behaviours that have held you back from living your best life. Take advantage of this proven online course and get started today!


The 3 Crucial Competencies of Self Awareness

When you have a high level Self-Awareness, you know your internal states, preferences, resources and intuitions. In this course, you will develop each of the 3 competency areas below using a perfect balance of information and implementation.

Light bulb icon representing emotional self awareness.

Emotional Self Awareness

Recognise your emotions and their effects.

  • Know which emotions you are feeling and why they are coming up for you
  • Realise, in the moment, the links between what you think, say and do
  • Recognise how your feelings positively or negatively affect your performance
  • Articulate your true feelings and express them appropriately in any situation
  • Read the signs, in the moment, that tell you when you are 'getting' upset 
magnifying glass over human silhouette accurate self assessment

Accurate Self Assessment

Knowing your strengths and limitations

  • Being reflective and learning from your previous experience
  • Know your true capabilities and what you need to work on
  • Being open to feedback, new perspectives, continuous learning, and self-development
  • Asking for help from others who have more experience, knowledge or ability
  • Demonstrate a desire to learn, grow and change through continuous improvement
Thumbs up image in dark blue representing personal power.

Personal Power

A strong sense of your self-worth

  • Having a calm inner conviction about who you are and your ability to succeed
  • Possess self-confidence and feel in control of your own life with clear priorities
  • Define yourself from the inside out, rather than by title or approval from others
  • Distinguish between what you can and cannot control, without stress and conflict
  • Set the direction in your life and then do what it takes to reach your destination

Meet Your Master Trainer and Coach

I am just an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and five amazing kids, on his own journey of imperfection. Throughout my life, I have overcome many obstacles by getting back up more times than I fall. I put my pants on one leg at a time, most mornings, and believe that anything is possible if you want it enough and take the action you need to get there.

Having never heard of Emotional Intelligence throughout my military and corporate careers, I suffered badly from a lack of awareness and low self-esteem. This created pain for me, and those around me. One day, I had experienced enough pain to do something about it. The rest is history.

Certified as a Master Trainer and Master Coach with the Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence in Denver, Colorado, I was recently awarded 'Emotional Intelligence Speaker and Trainer of the Year'.

I now have the privilege of working with thousands of people around the world, just like you, sharing my experience and expertise in neuroscience, positive psychology and social and emotional intelligence.

I am truly humbled that you are considering me to be your coach and I look forward to working with you to ensure you get what it is that you need from this program. See you on the inside!

Grant Herbert Emotional Intelligence Master Trainer and Coach
Bruce Poling photo

Bruce Poling

Grant has a unique ability to demystify Emotional Intelligence and inspire you to explore the depth of this important topic to realise the benefits of becoming more Emotionally Intelligent in your life.

nevine youssef photo

Nevine Youssef

Through this amazing program, Grant has helped me to gain so much insight into my strengths and gave me great ideas and tools to help me to grow by incrementally working on my weaknesses.
