Leadership - Social and Emotional Intelligence - Positive Psychology - Applied Neuroscience - Coaching - Training

Practical articles containing resources and strategies for leaders, managers, and human resources teams to help you develop yourself, your team, and your organisation.

The Seven Habits Of Innovative People

Albert and Fred seem to have their paths intertwined.

They came from the same hometown. 

They both came from good and loving parents.

They both went to the same school from elementary to college.

Both of them graduated with high honours from a prestigious business university. Fred...

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The Five Steps to Resolving Workplace Conflict

The Law of win/win says: Let’s not do it your way or my way; let’s do it the best way.”  Greg Anderson 

Conflict is inevitable.

This is especially, most undoubtedly, true in the workplace.

This is because conflict usually occurs whenever two or more people...

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Conflict Management: Avoiding the Negative Impacts of Conflict

Are you uncomfortable with conflict and tend to avoid it ?

Or perhaps you are uncomfortable with discussions and confrontation.

Do you often avoid speaking up your truth so as not to “create” any trouble?

You may feel defensive or angry when somebody disagrees with you and you are...

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Leading with Empathy

Have you ever witnessed the sport of rowing?

If not, rowing is a sport where team members need to work together to row the boat toward the finish line in synchrony.

However, this is easier said than done.

Before a rowing team can successfully row a boat, each rower must be able to understand...

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The Dark Side of Empathy

Do you tend to absorb and sometimes, if not always, get overwhelmed by other people’s moods and emotions? 

Do you tend to be emotionally affected by the shows you watch?

Does your physical health get affected when you encounter emotionally charged situations?

Are you very emotional?


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Personal Agility: A Must Have Leadership Competency

Does the name Kodak ring a bell to you?

I bet it does.

Kodak was the biggest name in videography and photography during the 20th century. In fact, it brought about a revolution in the film and photography industry. When only large corporations had access to cameras used for filming, Kodak made...

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The Secret to Thriving in an Ever-Changing World

Do you know how our forefathers thrived in Africa's wilds, the Middle East's blistering heat and barren sands, and the polar regions' freezing temperatures? Social scientists would argue that it all boils down to adaptability and agility. However, with the changing times came technological...

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The Dangers of Unmanaged Stress

Case Study: A leader in distress

Rob is under great stress.

His company is on the rocks and he feels like he is being pounded by a ton of the same rocks.

He has not come up with a good solution yet. In fact, he hasn’t come up with any solution.

He feels like all his creative juices have...

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