Leadership - Social and Emotional Intelligence - Positive Psychology - Applied Neuroscience - Coaching - Training

Practical articles containing resources and strategies for leaders, managers, and human resources teams to help you develop yourself, your team, and your organisation.

The Sensibility of Generosity

John Bunyan, preacher and author of “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” penned this quotation on generosity:

“A man there was and they called him mad; the more he gave, the more he had.”

To the pragmatic, this would sound not sensible but the Apostle Paul also echoes this...

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Situational Awareness: The Ace Factor in Organisational Dogfight

During World War II the tranquil blue sky witnessed the heart-stopping air combat engagements of fighter planes. The din of engines and multiple volleys of gun fire pierced the silence of the open space. Bullets were everywhere and the enemies were not only in front or behind — they were...

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5 Ways To Improve The Employee Experience

Improving the ‘customer experience’ has become a buzz phrase in commerce.

From ecommerce stores to any retail or other service-oriented business, the phrase neatly sums up the need to focus on personal user experiences in all customer interactions. It’s seen as the key to...

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BUILDING TRUST: Handling its fragility and harnessing its power

What strongly bonds yet easily breaks? What highly motivates and deeply discourages? What comforts and causes insecurity? What inspires and crushes the spirit? What creates safety and produces danger? What takes a long time to build and an instance to destroy? The answer to these questions of...

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Inspirational Leadership: Effective leadership not by might nor by power

Long ago in a known land, there lived a 17-year-old peasant girl. Her country was besieged by several invasions and lost a large portion of her territory to the enemy. Her king, a powerless and visionless leader was dethroned. Her country was in the verge of collapse. The young lady, convinced...

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Teamwork & Collaboration: balancing personal goals and needs with the teamโ€™s objectives

How did our ancestors survive the gruelling task of keeping themselves safe from fierce predators, of gathering food to eat in a hostile environment and of taking care of the young to preserve their species? Anthropologists call it tribal effort. Their studies on the subject have proven that this...

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Communication: Seeking To Understand and Striving to Be Understood

An elderly couple who celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary was interviewed regarding the secret of their enduring relationship. Both were already hard of hearing:

emcee: Sir, what kept your marriage this long?
husband: Well, it’s not that complicated. In those 75 years of...

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Coaching and Mentoring: The wind beneath the wings of those who soared high

Yelu Chucai, Octave Chanute ,Ralph Abernathy, Charlie Munger. Do these names ring a bell? We may have to dig into history to unearth who these personalities really are but it will be an “Aha!” moment for us once we get to know their roles in the lives of great and influential people:

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