Leadership - Social and Emotional Intelligence - Positive Psychology - Applied Neuroscience - Coaching - Training

Practical articles containing resources and strategies for leaders, managers, and human resources teams to help you develop yourself, your team, and your organisation.

Employing Self-Assessment for Higher Engagement and Productivity

Does your team seem disengaged or are they under-performing? Do you find yourself continually needing to correct and motivate them?

Self-assessment might be the best solution to keep them engaged and passionate in their respective roles.

Although traditional employee performance reviews encourage...

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A Reflection on 2018

As we draw to a close on 2018 I wanted to pause for a few moments to reflect with gratitude on what we experienced this year, and refocus with expectation on what lies ahead in 2019.

People Builders considers it an honour to have been a part of your journey and we appreciate you choosing our team...

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Emotional Self Awareness: Become the Best Version of Yourself

Can you imagine yourself getting dressed and prepped up for an important event without even looking at yourself in a mirror? I believe, most of us can’t. This is because we recognise the importance of assessing ourselves in the mirror to look physically presentable to others. Although most...

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Accurate Self-Assessment: Why is it important and do we really have it?

Have you ever felt frustrated with others, or even yourself because they (or you) have not met your expectations?

Have you ever felt the want to appear ‘right’ in front of others?
Do you feel that your opinions always matter?

Do you often feel offended  (or insulted) when feedback...

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Training or Coaching: Which Suits You Best?

In our previous articles, we talked about how investing in a training and coaching program can bring about many benefits to you and your organisation. However, choosing which among the two development options is best can be a difficult decision to make as this can affect the overall...

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The Importance of Coaching Individuals and Organisations

Behind the success of any team is a great coach.


Imagine a football team without a coach playing against a team that has one? Which team do you think has the advantage of winning the competition? How do you think the competition itself would play out?

Obviously, it would not play well.


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Four Key Areas that Every Employee Should be Trained In

In our previous article, “The Priceless Benefits of Training in Organisations”, we learned that any organisation that invests in employee training is investing in their own success. We learned that by investing in a great training program, you will provide your employees with the...

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The Priceless Benefits of Training in Organisations

Imagine this: You are in need of life saving surgery and you were given a choice between two different doctors. One is a trained surgeon and a specialist in their field, and the other was not. Which of the two would you choose?

What if the cost of having the untrained doctor as your surgeon was...

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